• Before you come to Saudi Arabia

    Help you plan well before arrival and provide important tips for you

  • After becoming a resident

    Provide support and guidance, drive a car, travel through the regions, residency laws

  • Supporting you during your residence

    Helping you to find a job, answer any queries regarding residence and visit,work visas , Jawazat issues and system Absher

10 bad habits in Saudi people !!

Truth be told ... .. Saudi people  majority are good people and the government achieved prosperity ,safety, strong infrastructure and more ..
In this post i highlight some bad habits here(less than 10% from people)  and that may be shared by other peoples from different countries .

The first one:

It’s the habit of the sorting and rating, so the dealing with the other one is based on his cultural,ideological,intellectual,tribal and ethnical background, not about his value as a human or his own character. A long list of definitions and descriptions are secreted of by the community by means of it elites and members .For example this one is liberal or secularist or nasiba or rafida or clannish.

The second one:

Disrespecting the privacy, the examples are too much.its enough to use the automatic teller machine ATM to find out the eyes, all of the eyes are mostly pasted to the screen of that ATM to saturate their greediness and curiosity about knowing how much money you have withdrawed  and how much has left in your modest bank account.

The third one:

The embarrassment and anger to mention the name of the woman, weather she is a daughter or a sister or a wife or a mother. I still keep the invitation ticket of the wedding for  the daughter of a well-known academician he teaches mass communication at one of the notable universities was written on it “the noble daughter of the doctor” instead of writing his daughter’s name .one of the resident rote one time :why most of the girls names in Saudi Arabia are “noble”.

The fourth one:

Not caring about the others rights, literally the selfishness which the few of our community act.in japan for example the one who comes to the work earlier parks his car  in the far parks and leaves the close parks to the people who come later, in our communities the opposite takes place.so it’s acted be a concept “myself and let  the flood comes after that”

The fifth one:

Not respecting the time beside of managing and investing it. “ we will meet after the evening prayer” this expression is so common in our communities. Its is short for about our carelessness and respecting the time and punctuality.

The sixth one:

Exaggerated caring about the others opinion about us and about our life’s details , so we do not have enough conviction and self-confidence. We eat and drink and wear clothes and choose our professions, everything,  based on what the others chose for us.

The seventh one:

Sleeping lately. No one can compete us about this bad habit in any other community and how much this bad habit affects negatively in our life “coming lately to the work, overstrain, stress, lack of productivity”

The eighth one:

The urgency in all sides of our life. We eat  fastly like we are in the race, we drive our car too fast , we speak too fast  more than the new broadcaster in the TV ,although we don’t talk about useful things.

The ninth one:
The apparent absence of the phenomenon of ideals and role models and inspiring in our society , we are the only one who don’t care about promoting this brilliant phenomenon which the other societies are proud of it , on the contrary we reduce the value of the others

The tenth one:
The worst habit ever  in our community , but honestly I was ashamed to write it.

My experience with the weather in the Saudi cities

It is common that people imagine Saudi Arabia as  a vast desert and thus its climate is hot and dry, but through my living here, I discovered that it's completely different!
Here I will talk briefly about each city i faced.

1. Riyadh

Hot summer with waves of dust from time to another, so that if you are complaining of some diseases, especially respiratory, I do not advise you to live in Riyadh
In the summer you need cool water to bathe !! Or take the shower at 4 AM in the morning? Yes, honestly..
Night in Riyadh is very cold in winter .. so you'll wear a coat all the time.

8 Important Tips in Saudi Arabia International Airports

1. Remember that you are as ambassador for your country and your respect for the laws and regulations in everywhere you go ,befits your home country impression  .

2. Before you travel be sure to check out the laws and regulations in KSA especially those related to restrictions on the money and jewelry and personal valuables,  so as not to confiscate or statutory sanctions in that State.

3. If you want to travel must ensure  the validity of your passport and the passports of your companions for a period not less than six months, and that all your family members who do not hold passports individually overlaid on the same passport and be traveling along with the owner of the passport issued in his name .. as well as obtaining visas Login required for those countries before departure.

4. must take caution from carrying any luggage or bags or messages or anything else that does not belong in order to compliment others and help them to transfer from one country to another, since they may contain hazardous and banned substances were not you aware of their existence .

5. Beware of being busy with travel procedures for monitoring personal luggage and do not leave your luggage alone in any way within the airports or ports.

6. Beware of crossing checkpoints at airports and ports with things volunteered to carry it to others and make sure that everything that carries belongs to you only.

7. should the declaration / disclosure to the customs officer any cash or negotiable bearer or precious metals financial instruments more than "60,000" sixty thousand riyals or its equivalent in foreign currency mobilization recognition of "disclosure" private so if the traveler to carry or any of the model his companions of those amounts or tools, note that the failure to disclose offered to confiscation and also displays regular bearer of sanctions.

8. The entry of weapons, fireworks, explosives, daggers and swords sharp without prior authorization holder displays irregular strict sanctions.

The International Airports in Saudi Arabia

It is better before coming to Saudi Arabia to determine the airport which you want to come  to it  if there are flights available to it in your home country, that is preferable to shorten the movements inside the kingdom, which is often costly.

Here is a list of international airports in Saudi Arabia with contact numbers ..if you are outside Saudi Arabia Do not forget to delete the zero  and replacing it with a country code which is +966

10 points you have to know before coming to Saudi Arabia

Too much !!...Let us Start

The first advice

If you're coming for working, make sure that your salary is good enough so you can save some money, otherwise what is the point of your leaving your home , your family and your business in your country  - a lot here working and living without any compilation of money .then what?!. .you have to ask for a good salary and calculate allowances and every thing , do not waive any of your rights in the contract .make sure that every thing is  clear from the beginning.

The second advice

Whenever you are young,  it is better (even though it is not the rule in all the jobs), try to travel before you got married. In case you are married , try to bring your family (See professions allowed to bring family).

Third advice

Relied on yourself and be confident about yourself.
Do not travel just because your friend there and he promised to help you, here you will learn how to self-reliance and will change a lot of concepts .. Life here will make you a man! .

Fourth advice

Work here requires to be smart than to be skillful in your work!
You may find here is that the work model is  somewhat different from your country . in order to succeed and ensure the continuing, you need to have your own style, especially in dealing with your manager, which is often a foreigner and the employer, which often must be a Saudi, you should succeeded in winning the confidence of them and this is more important than to be adept in the work!

Fifth advice

Do not drive without a license ..Start with the procedures for obtaining a license immediately after you get the residence permit.
Committed traffic laws there ..
You'll see beautiful cars and luxury ..don  think about them and put all your money as its price! .. if the company did not provide you with transportation ..you can buy a used car in good condition in order to safeguard your money and to avoid the big loss in the price of the new car when you want to sell.

I forgot to tell that a lot of people  there, especially teens driving the car recklessly so you have to be careful ..if you encountered one of them just keep away to the right or stop the car until he passes!
It really varies from one region to another ..you can ask me about  any region in this point.

Also bring  your home country's driving license ... sometimes you can drive using it until you get a Saudi license (if your country in the list of allowed country to drive in Saudi Arabia) . in all cases, it will reduce the duration that you need to get the Saudi license so brought it anyway.

Sixth advice

Avoid going into the religious and political debates! .

Seventh advice

Try to keep your weight!
Because of the nature of eating there, rice, meat, chicken everywhere and affordable, so you must do sport , move and you can subscribe in a Fitness Club .

Eighth advice

Try to avoid dealing with the Saudis teenagers, also stayed away as much as possible to deal with women.

Ninth advice

If you got an accident, do not move your car until  the police or Najm company come. No need to scream or fabricate problems. Get off calmly and say hello to the other guy and say "Alhamdulellah".

 Tenth advice

Try to live in the city of Dammam , Khobar or Jeddah .
Sometimes crying in the beginning. Do not despair and be always optimistic.
You have to be patient to reach your goal in the end.